Critical Review

Critical review

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“J Gadd created a relaxed, open and enthused environment. This combined with the ability to challenge the team where appropriate provided us with a platform in which we will take forward.”

Roland Bonney


You will have recognised that creating strong dynamic teams helps deliver your KPI's.

We have many years' experience of building and creating strong, robust teams. Whether delivering change or driving improved performance, we coach and support your leadership team using effective goal setting or embracing outcome thinking. This is all underpinned by observational, challenging and thought provoking feedback; helping you build a more successful and authentic leadership team.

  • 1 to 1 programmes

  • KPI achievement

  • Performance improvement

  • Transition and Change

How we make it work

  • Initial 1-2 day assessment, as the start of a five stage approach: listen, understand, develop, deliver and review

  • Working closely with your leadership team throughout

  • Assisting with implementation during organisation change

  • Optional ongoing appraisal of the engagement dynamic within the organisation