EO Day 2024 – why we’re proud to support #ProudlyEO
If you’re employee-owned – or a business like us that’s proud to support the EO sector – EO Day 2024 will have been in your diary for months.
It’s certainly a red letter day at JGA, and not just for the EO Day cakes – although our team’s worked in/with EO companies long enough to know the part these play…
No, this year Friday 21 June is about more than the cake. In fact, it’s a DOUBLE red letter day at JGA because it’s the first EO Day we’re celebrating with Telos Partners, as our two businesses continue to merge.
So bring on the party snacks and get out the bunting – here’s 5 reasons we’re proud to support #ProudlyEO!
1. Employee-owned businesses are more productive
It’s there in black and white. Good employee ownership doesn’t just ‘happen’ but, at their best, EO businesses regularly outperform their non-EO peers in almost every metric.
According to the eoa, they’re 8-12% more productive per employee and invest more in their people, innovation and communities. EO businesses are also 25% more likely to have seen their profits grow in the past five years, post-transition.
Inspiring proof that great EO truly can drive business success. Read the eoa’s evidence-based research here.
2. Employee-owned businesses like to share
JGA’s Lisa and Jeremy (far right) with Stephens Scown’s team at their June EO Knowledge Share
If you’re EO, you know these aren’t just empty words: EO businesses really DO like to share. Just check out Stephens Scown’s latest EO Knowledge Share on 6 June.
Hosted at its Exeter offices, the EO Knowledge Share was (as usual) open and useful, with those who came openly sharing their experiences of EO. This time, our MD Jeremy and Associate Lisa were delighted to be invited to facilitate the event.
But initiatives like Stephen Scown’s aren’t the only place you’ll see EO’s ‘sharing’ spirit in action.
Simply cast your mind back to the eoa conference 2023. That’s when 800+ ‘movers and shakers’ gathered in Liverpool to share the experience and insight they’d gained on their EO journeys plus network with other EO advocates like them.
Which leads us neatly to the third reason we’re proud to support #ProudlyEO…
3. Employee-owned businesses LOVE a get-together with the eoa
What a night! Team JGA and Telos enjoy the gala dinner at the eoa conference 2023
They really do. And what better place to do this than the annual eoa conference? Last year it was Liverpool, this year it’s Telford, with tickets now available for EO’s biggest event of the year.
It’s the go to event for the EO sector – and not to be missed.
In fact, our MD Jeremy described the eoa conference 2023 as ‘the most successful eoa conference to date’ – so we have high hopes for the next one. No pressure, Team eoa!
Find out more about eoa conference 2024 here – happening 26-27 November. See you there!
4. Employee-owned businesses like to learn
‘The [new] EO Framework is a blueprint of practices that supports employee-owned businesses at any stage of their EO journey to develop and evolve’
James de le Vigne, CEO of the eoa
Business doesn’t stand still and neither does EO. As the sector grows, we’re encouraged by recent moves to clarify what is (and isn’t) best practice backed by evidence-based research and practical steps to ‘do’ it well.
It’s always been what we’re about at JGA. But now the momentum’s building as the sector unites to show that EO is more than two initials above your workplace door.
Cue April’s launch of the new EO Framework – a simple structured model developed by the eoa using insights from the EO Knowledge programme with the support of our Telos Partners colleagues.
James de le Vigne, CEO of the eoa, describes it as ‘a blueprint of practices that supports employee-owned businesses at any stage of their EO journey to develop and evolve’.
Expect to hear more about the EO Framework – and how to use it – as the year unfolds. Read about the EO Framework here.
5. Employee-owned businesses like to celebrate… with cake
Okay, we couldn’t resist – we left the ‘best’ of EO Day to last… we couldn’t let EO Day go without spotlighting some of those cakes.
We don’t know yet what the day will bring but pictured here are some of the bakes our ace baker Lisa’s made for us in the past year…
Happy EO Day 2024!
Want to know how JGA and Telos can support your EO business to thrive? Get in touch to arrange a no obligation meeting now.