Trustee Connect – supporting Employee Trustees to add value and grow
It’s always good when something you’ve created starts to grow, so it’s no surprise that our Associate Kathie Robb is more than happy to talk about Trustee Connect.
Trustee Connect is JGA’s insightful open forum for Employee Trustees who want to network, share best practice and explore common challenges together in a confidential online space. Launched in 2020, it’s free to all our current/former clients, with the friendly quarterly meetings lasting 90 minutes each time.
Kathie gets ready for Trustee Connect
Kathie has been involved from the start when Trustee Connect was just an idea. It was sparked by JGA’s recognition of the often solo nature of this hugely responsible yet frequently misunderstood role, following our MD Jeremy Gadd’s conversations with Employee Trustees across a wide range of EO businesses.
Today – coffee cup to hand – Kathie enjoys facilitating the network’s regular meetings, with others from our team logging in to offer their insight, if required.
A safe and confidential space
‘We started Trustee Connect to provide a safe space for Employee Trustees to explore the role with others and build a network for support or advice,’ she explains.
‘Often, Employee Trustees are asked to take on the role or are selected/voted into it before they – and sometimes the business – really know what it entails. This means they might be confused about what they are there to do and how to do it, while having few people to discuss this with.
‘With Trustee Connect, we began small and quickly realised we were offering a valuable and much-needed service. Since launch, we’ve seen both JGA’s client numbers and the invitees to our sessions grow exponentially.’
Exploring common issues together
Attended by a mix of experienced and new-in-post Employee Trustees, today’s meetings are certainly never dull…
Recent hot topics have ranged from the challenge of ‘wearing two hats’ (day job plus board-level position) to how to ask affective questions. ‘We always have a lively, entertaining and useful session,’ Kathie confirms.
Conversations are often focused around the newer attendees and the questions they have – including what they can (and can’t) do as a member of the Trust Board.
‘There’s been much discussion around how to work with fellow Trust Board Directors and particularly the Chair, and how to build knowledge and understanding of the Trust Board and its activities with their work colleagues,’ Kathie says.
‘It’s so interesting that whatever the size of business, type of industry and EO model they have, the challenges, questions, experiences and debates are all very similar.’
Demonstrating a passion for their business
‘We’ve come across businesses where investment in the Trust Board’s capability is a high priority – here, it’s pretty obvious that the Employee Trustees’ confidence and knowledge of the role and their responsibilities is impressive…[and] the benefits are clear for both the individual and the business’
Kathie Robb, JGA Associate and facilitator, Trustee Connect
So has anything surprised Kathie about Trustee Connect?
‘Yes,’ she reveals. ‘I’m constantly surprised by the willingness of individuals to take the plunge and step into the Employee Trustee role, often without really knowing the full remit of the job and what it entails.
‘However, that demonstrates to me that these are often just the right people to be Employee Trustees – they’re brave, adventurous, willing to stand up and be counted and have such a passion for their business that they’ll give anything a go!’
Recognising the need for support
Of course, not every EOT has Employee Trustees, but those who do know their vital contribution to maintaining sound governance in both newly-transitioned and established EO businesses.
Working in the ‘engine room’ of their business, Employee Trustees must balance the responsibilities of a board director with the demands of their ‘normal’ job.
Yet they can find themselves operating in a vacuum if their business hasn’t recognised the need to support them with the right training and development – or spent time building a wider understanding of the Employee Trustee role across the company as part of an effective Trust Board.
Developing confidence and knowledge
Kathie with JGA’s Jeremy Gadd, who often joins Trustee Connect meetings
‘Most EO businesses are aware of the requirement to set up a Trust Board as they transition into employee ownership and some quickly recognise what the Board is there to do and the value it can add,’ Kathie agrees.
‘Some, however, take it pretty much at face value as an exercise they’re required to undertake, and don’t fully embrace the opportunities a Trust Board presents. Their investment in developing the Trust Board and its members is therefore low on the list of business priorities.
‘In general though, time for personal and team development varies.
‘We’ve come across businesses where investment in the Trust Board’s capability is seen as a high priority – here, it’s pretty obvious that the Employee Trustees’ confidence and knowledge of the role and their responsibilities is impressive.
‘Often, however, the day job gets in the way of taking time out to develop their skills and knowledge and Employee Trustees find it difficult to ask for this time. It’s rare that it’s freely given but, where it is, the benefits are clear for both the individual and the business.’
Strengthening trust board effectiveness
‘In my experience – and having talked with other Independent Trustees who recognise the value of having Employee Trustees on the board – it’s obvious they bring insight, observations and opinions that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to access’
Jeremy Gadd, Independent Trustee and JGA’s founder and MD
So seeing Trustee Connect go from strength to strength has been rewarding, not only for Kathie but for the rest of our team – some of whom are Independent Trustees on Trust Boards where they work directly with Employee Trustees.
Our MD Jeremy is an Independent Trustee with two EO businesses and has seen the difference that effective Employee Trustees can make.
‘In my experience – and having talked with other Independent Trustees who recognise the value of having Employee Trustees on the board – it’s obvious they bring insight, observations and opinions that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to access,’ he says.
‘This can be very useful during testing or stressful times, as well as during periods of significant change where the impact on the front line isn’t always so visible.’
Fresh ideas for a bright future
An unexpected guest at September’s Trustee Connect!
As for Trustee Connect and the future, Kathie is keeping an (excitingly) open mind…
‘We’ll continue the quarterly meetings as they seem to be working well,’ she says. 'We usually have a new cohort of attendees each time, so it’s always fresh and a bit of a voyage of discovery.
‘We think it might also be helpful to invite guest speakers – such as an Independent Chair, a finance expert and a legal expert – at different times to share the benefit of their experience.
‘But essentially, we plan to keep listening to our Employee Trustees to ensure JGA and Trustee Connect can continue to deliver whatever they need.’
Want to join Trustee Connect or know an Employee Trustee who would find it useful? Read our Trustee Connect page and register here.
To find out more about how JGA can enable you to strengthen your Trust Board’s effectiveness, get in touch.